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Public-Sector Institution's Cybersecurity Zone Defense Mechanism Establishing a Defense-In-Depth Cybersecurity Environment
Scenario A public-sector institution originally adopted a cybersecurity architecture with the traditional antivirus model. Though the construction was complete and updated in time, it still was not sufficient to cope with the frequent ever-changing, systematic and targeted cyber attacks from China. In particular, the zero-day attacks, APT attacks and ransomware that have prevailed over the years are among the most difficult cybersecurity challenges today. A zero-day attack is an attack against a newly discovered, unpublished vulnerability of a computer system, which, due to its unexpectedness, is often more dangerous than an attack against general bugs.
System architecture Based on the concept of joint security monitoring by the Department of Cybersecurity from the Executive Yuan, Acer AEB proposed a "cybersecurity zone defense" project that allows customers, vendors and partners to share their intelligence with each other so that they can quickly find out why and how to deal with security threats, and come up with responses faster and more effectively. In addition, Acer AEB thoroughly examined the authority's head office and units around Taiwan, made a complete plan of the cybersecurity defense environment, and updated infrastructure such as network access control and related policy, greatly enhancing the cybersecurity capabilities.
Features and benefits 1. Early deployment: Forms a cybersecurity recognition team to discover unknown sources of threats. 2. Real-time response: The zone defense mechanism responds to and addresses security threats in real-time. 3. Security level up: Blocks zero-day attacks, APT attacks, ransomware, etc.
2917 Public-Sector Institution's Cybersecurity Zone Defense Mechanism 2020-11-10 18:09:35 1032 supervisor MsgArticle ---